Report: “RESOLUTION #767: Challenges and obstacles for participation in the programme“

January 27, 2021

Today we present the report: “Resolution #767: Challenges and obstacles for participation in the programme”.

This report is mainly based on the results of the survey about intentions, challenges and obstacles encountered during participation in the compensation programme for damaged/destroyed housing objects launched within CMU resolution №767.

In addition, a significant deal of information was gathered during our monitoring visits to plenty of settlements in Donetska and Luhanska oblasts in the period of October-December.  

Overall, our respondents were surveyed on 826 cases, including 325 on destroyed and 501 on damaged housing objects. 

Our outreach workers and the legal team also took part in some of the commission assessment sessions either as observers or members, thus they had an opportunity to obtain firsthand experience in the implementation of the programme.

By focusing on the perspective of claimants, this report complements a survey conducted by UNHCR in November 2020, which focuses on the functioning of the local assessment commissions, based on observations from R2P and other NGO members or observers in these commissions.  

R2P launched this survey primarily to find out whether this programme is relevant for its target audience, as well as to reveal the pitfalls of the programme from the perspective of participants.

Therefore, we decided to survey our beneficiaries of IDP and conflict-affected background who reportedly had problems with damaged/destroyed housing objects and those potential beneficiaries whom our outreach workers already knew or got to know during field trips.

The survey has been conducted in the period of October-November in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts via phone and face-to-face interviews. Besides, upon the completion of the survey, some cases were directed to R2P legal team for further investigation.

As a result, our team not only conducted research but also promptly provided assistance to those who were willing to participate in the programme but for some reason experienced difficulties with applying for monetary compensation/assistance.

The report is available in

English and Ukrainian

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